To Celebrate Victory Day Golden Battle will take place on May 10!
You can receive up to 600 Golden Eagles just for winning!
From 8th of May till 11th of May you can get a “Victory Banner” a unique decal and access to the Ground Forces CBT!
Just make 60 kills and 6 victories in 4 days and it is yours.
Every day we will choose 5 aircraft and up to 69% discount will be set for the purchase of these planes!
All four days, all the famous aircraft of WWII will get 30% discount for repair!
Jādabū tgd Ground Forces būs, pa 4d arcade 60 kills esy. Un būs speciāla kkāda battle, kur dabūt tos 600 eagles pareiz?
War Thunder
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Jocinsh 10.05.2014. 06:47 teica: