varat ludzu palidzet sitos izpildit?
safe m u c h miniblogs
- 0
safe m u c h 27.01.2013. 21:37
- 0
The watch broke.
Someone looked at you.
Stain on my coat was removed. (par šo nezinu)
The criminal was caught yesterday.
This castle was build n 1987.
Mary gave a nice...
These laptops were made in china.
The plane just landed.
Something strange happened to Susan...
Negarantēju ka pareizi. - 0
safe m u c h 27.01.2013. 21:44 #
Kāds var pateikt kas ir tas ''passive'' jo man ir vel otrs uzdevums kur man teikumi japarveido passive locijumaa
- 0
Active/passive = Tagadnes/pagatnes forma
Ielogojies vai izveido profilu, lai komentētu!