1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
omlete112 20.09.2013. 14:58
Now dats a deal
shado2012 20.09.2013. 14:59 #
Almost free
Jānis 20.09.2013. 15:00 #
*mad 20.09.2013. 15:01 #
Especially for the smart guys, not able to read in English - as it stated in the first sentence, the operating system is free. This charge is for installation on OUR server. This is set up as value added service, related to the sale of the server.
MuShA 20.09.2013. 15:14 #
Eeew @omlete112 paldies par dzejoli, nopelnīju 10 ^^
omlete112 20.09.2013. 15:30 #
Heh, nav par ko
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