Sveiki. Ir neliela problema, PC visu laiku BSOD met. Man ir minidump faili, no vinjiem vspar war pateikt kas pa problemu un kapec?
TheMonster miniblogs
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TheMonster 20.04.2013. 22:09 #
Caused by ntoskrnl.exe
- -2
Ak jel...
koda formāts ir šāds 0x00000000- 0
TheMonster 20.04.2013. 22:12 #
Piedod atvaino, bet es maz laiku pavadu pie pc lai saprastu visas shiis lietas.
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Mostly likely cause of this issue is defective or mismatched RAM (Random Access Memory). See if the problem exists with combinations as you swap it in and out.
Method 1: Run Memory Diagnostics test to check for any memory problems. Refer the below mentioned link for the same.
Diagnosing memory problems on your computer
Method 2: Update the chipset, video card, display and network adapter drivers to the latest by visiting the computer manufacturer’s website. - 0
Manuprāt BSOD ir pats riebīgākais, kas var būt. Ja problēma ir "dziļa" tad uz lielāku slodzi PC restartēsies.
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