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Havamal 02.04.2012. 08:26
Game of Thrones w00t
purawskis 02.04.2012. 08:43 #
The North Remembers!
Jesus 02.04.2012. 10:01 #
You know nothing Jon Snow.
Havamal 02.04.2012. 10:01 #
You bastard!
Jesus 02.04.2012. 10:02 #
BTW http://www.tor.com/blogs/2012/04/entirety-of...season-2-leaked
Jesus 02.04.2012. 10:04 #
Oh wait, vairāk nav 1. aprīlis.
valch 02.04.2012. 12:02 #
Es jau skatos
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