blind 0nyx miniblogs

  • blind 0nyx

    Problēma takā atrisināta ar Rs Lagg,nu piemēram man palīdzēja.

    teps in order:
    1st: Go to options.
    2nd: Go to Graphic's Settings.
    3rd: Hit RE-RUN AUTO SETUP and hit confirm when your screen comes back.
    4th: Go to Custom and put your settings in MIN, keeping your display as whatever the setup left it as.
    5th: Make sure your CPU Usage is in Maximum.
    6th and possibly last: Wherever you lagg the most, go there to see if there's a difference.
    7th: Walk around RS to ensure your computer adjusts to the loading screens

    • blind 0nyx

      Bet ne uz high detail biggrin_mini2.gif

    • uiqman

      Ja fps stav uz 1-4, tad nokaca security task manager.
      Ta proga paradis vai tev ir virusi uz datora. Si proga rada visus procesus, kas iet datora, biezi vien antivirusi sos procesus neskenee, vismaz man ta bija.