Man atkal nebija ko darīt. Šoreiz jums piedavāju RuneScape noliferu versiju Nickelback dziesmu rockstar. All changes made by Latgals16. nemeklējiet loģiku tādas te nav.
Nickelback - Rock Star lyrics
| I'm through with standing in line to the caves i'll never get in It's like the bottom of the top and I'm never gonna own This nolife hasn't turned out quite the way I want it to be
(Tell me what you want)
I want a brand new cape with a 99 strength on it And a bathroom I can play gnomeball in And a king size tub big enough for ten plus me
(so what you need)
I'll need party hats without a limit And a big black jet with a bedroom in it Gonna join the best clans At thirty-seven billion xp
(Been there done that)
I want a new two n00bs who will work for me And my own star on rs Boulevard Somewhere between zezima and kingduffy is fine for me
(So how ya gonna do it?)
I'm gonna kill zezima and use cool cheats I'd even cut my ear and call my name
'Cause we all just wanna be big nolifirs Live in computer houses riding jagex bars The cash come easy and d chain come cheap We'll all stay dead 'as we just won't eat And we'll hang out in the coolest bars In the members with the zezima etc Every good gold digger's Gonna wind up there RS Playboy bunny With the blood red hair and well... Hey hey I wanna be a n0lifer Hey hey I wanna be a n0lifer I wanna be great like zezima without the head Hire eight body guards that has 20 lvlsSign a couple autographs So I can eat my sharks for free
(I'll have a quesadilla haha)
I'm gonna dress my ass with the latest armor Get a front door key to the mebers zone Gonna date a centerfold that loves to give his 3rd age to me for me
(So how ya gonna do it?)
I'm gonna trade this life For cash and cheats I'd even cut out my heart to get cash for p2p
'Cause we all just wanna be big nolifers who just kill goblins for 99 strength The cash come easy and d chain come cheap We'll all stay dead 'as we just won't eat And we'll hang out in the coolest bars In the members zones with the movie stars Every good rune digger's take some new skils there Every Playboy bunny gona rule off n00bs they gona use their b00bs to get bestlvls With the latest items and todays nolife We'll get you anything with that stupid file Everybody's got a food dealer on illegal dial well... Hey hey I wanna be a n0lifer
I'm gonna sing those songs that offend the n00bs Gonna pop my skills from a n00b dispenser Get washed-up zezima writing all my songs play RuneScape every night so I don't get 'em wrong
'Cause we all just wanna be big nolifers who just kill goblins for 99 strength The cash come easy and d chain come cheap We'll all stay dead 'as we just won't eat And we'll hang out in the coolest bars In the members zones with the movie stars Every good rune digger's take some new skils there Every Playboy bunny gona rule off n00bs they gona use their b00bs to get bestlvls With the latest items and todays nolife
Congratulations, if u read this you are now totally n0lifer.
0 #103.04.2008. 16:58
man loti patiik siii dziesma gan orilginaals gan sii versija varētu pat uznemt video es pat varētu dziedaad(chatot)
+1 #203.04.2008. 17:02
tas ir technoob laucinsh, bet nu man ar sanaaca tiiri normaali
0 #303.04.2008. 17:10
latgals16 rakstīja: Tas ir technoob laucinsh, bet nu man ar sanaaca tiiri normaali
zeel nevar so ideju pazinjot tehnoobshowam tad iznaaktu labs vdeo...
0 #403.04.2008. 17:17
pilnīgi piekrītu obsidian-dragon, šim te noteikti vajag normālu iedziedajumu un uztaisīt video!
iznācis ir vnk ideāli, izlasīju visus, un sāku dažās vietās rēkt! 10/10
+1 #503.04.2008. 17:28
gan jau vel kko taisishu
0 #603.04.2008. 17:29
dziedied liidzi es jau pameeginaaju -->
labi iznaaca peec siem vaardiemmm tagad reecu par to ko uzfilmeeju kaameer dziedaaju. :d
+1 #703.04.2008. 17:32
obsidian ta tik turet
+1 #803.04.2008. 17:50
ja ieliec, gribu redzeet
0 #903.04.2008. 17:59
latgals16 rakstīja: Ja ieliec, gribu redzeet
srry es ar mobiilo filmeeju izkirtspeejaa 176x144 un negribas likt jo paraak no vienas puses dumji iznaaca.
0 #1003.04.2008. 18:04
m8tisssss rakstīja: Poh ieliec tk nekaunie ;p gribas parēkt
tagad to4 nelikshu jo izniicinaaju pieraadijumus, bet ja kaads nesaprata tas bija rl nevis RuneScape video, vo RuneScape varētu uzfilmeet tik dators pa vaaju lai ierxtiitu lielu izkirtspeeju bet tomeer meeginaadsu.