Pwnanizor miniblogs

  • Pwnanizor

    Kā es varu zināt kāds windows 64 vai 32 bitu ir jāinstalē šim kompim?

    • risins

      64, jo rams virs 3gb

    • lvmazaafakaa

      Ja rams ir 4+ gb tad 64 kačāt nost.

      "To install a 64-bit version of Windows 7, you need a CPU that's capable of running a 64-bit version of Windows. The benefits of using a 64-bit operating system are most apparent when you have a large amount of random access memory (RAM) installed on your computer, typically 4 GB of RAM or more. In such cases, because a 64-bit operating system can handle large amounts of memory more efficiently than a 32-bit operating system, a 64-bit system can be more responsive when running several programs at the same time and switching between them frequently."

    • Pwnanizor


    • Pwnanizor

      Un vēl man tāds jautājums , man šim pc nenāca līdzi neviens vads. Pat ne strāvas . Tā ir jābūt? un es varu izmantot sava vecā pc strāvas vadu?

      • SJohnson

        Nē, aizdegsies kaste. Vajag jaunu.

        • Pwnanizor

          Kas tur rēcīgs? es blin pajautāju jautājumu , ja tu te mums ahujennais gudrītis esi , vari pist dirst no mana minibloga.

    • SJohnson

      >"man jāinstalē 32 vai 64 bitu os"