Ducky miniblogs

  • Ducky


    • Ričards

      Baigais jau nu scams. Čalis bija afk. Pienāca pie pc - viņam kāds treido - accept - phat - accept. Log off.
      Kur ir scam?

      • HenrihsT!

        Es ar nedotu atpakaļ, viņš bija afk, viņš domāja, ka pa brīvu dod.

      • Shattred

        Omg laik totaļļīj skeims, totaļījs!

        Čalis randomā filmēja kā viņš ieraudzīja youtube "slavenību" un iedeva "piemērīt" zilo phat. Yeah. Tā vien šķiet, ka pilnīgs scam, vajag banot, yeah, te pat uz vietas.. -_-

      • vampire

        Nozhelojams video lai dabutu views.

      • lomiksss
        0 normals mustang pa tiem crackers sanak

        • Le Mambo.

          Make a video over Simon "scamming" I know he didn't do it, but i'd like to know what happened.
          Titegstel pirms 9 minūtēm 32
          Please link me!
          I have been making the videos because Simons emails and rs account has been hacked. We had a jmod fully lock the account last night.
          RuneSharkVideos atbildot uz: Titegstel pirms 6 minūtēm 31

        • Ducky

          I call bull shit biggrin_mini2.gif
          vinam bija jag un gmail. gmail bez telefona nevar tikt un jag bez atbildem nevar uzlauzt

          • onerunx

            Viņa acc ir hacked

          • lomiksss

            Hey guys, I have watched the video.
            Simon is in lectures atm, but I am putting together a video right now about the situation. We had no idea that the account was used to scam another player but I can 100% assure you it was not Simon.
            He has no reason to, and could simply ask for donations if he wished to have a phat. You can tell its not Simon, why would he want to try on a phat? and why is he in world 2?
            Simons account/emails were hacked yesterday and it is currently perm locked. normali kadri

          • onerunx

          • Le Mambo.

            Inb4 acc cleaned.