Šodienas XKCD komikss labi paskaidro kāpēc der instalēt atjauninājumus.
obsidian miniblogs
- 0
obsidian 06.01.2018. 11:54
- +11
obsidian 23.12.2017. 14:28
Iespējams labākā kriptovalūta pasaulē!
Bļitkoins!https://t.co/8jdoOU9n2x pic.twitter.com/4odIikPrvm
— Rupucinskis 🇺🇾 (@rupucinskis) December 22, 2017 - +2
obsidian 03.01.2018. 21:46
- +8
obsidian 01.01.2018. 22:51
Russian news agency wrote and article about fight over potatoes in a Latvian shop and not only they were too lazy to look for picture with white women, but they left text in Chinese in the background. https://t.co/c1TpPGVdUh
— Ieva Zagante (@just1birdcherry) December 31, 2017 - +6
obsidian 30.12.2017. 12:53
Stay healthy lil fag.
https://twitter.com/FilthyFrank/status/946807308541218816- -1
krabz 30.12.2017. 13:12
Vai tas ir slikti, ka tā īsti vienīgie video, ko esmu ar viņa dalību redzējis bija colab ar h3h3?
- +8
obsidian 22.12.2017. 08:54
Rīta politkorektuma deva.
https://twitter.com/ThaJawn/status/943867833900982272- +8
Hibs 22.12.2017. 09:02
Woman = wofighter
Charlie Kaufman = Charlie Kauffighter
Riemann hypothesis = Riefighterr hypothesis
Nelson Mandela = Nelson Fighterdela
Amanda Seyfried = Afighterda Seyfried
Manitoba = Fighteritoba
24 Hours of Le Mans = 24 Hours of Le Fighters
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