zingikis miniblogs

  • zingikis

    Pmods uzlika mute par to ka teicu "fuck". Man likas ka ja ir censored tad var teikt :Z
    Inb4 vinam nonem pmod

    • Skkar.

      Ja tev tā likās tad tu esi dorns.

      Ja varētu teikt diezvai būtu censored

      • zingikis

        From RSwiki
        "Words said in-game that are censored by the filter are perfectly allowable, under Jagex's rules and ours, so if you are sure that the word you are using will be censored (and that you will not mistype it), you are free to use it. Remember that the point of using words is to communicate, so if some of your words are removed, and your meaning is not clear from the words that remain, then other people may not understand what you are trying to say. You could try using other words that convey the same meaning ("WoW is shit" is censored, but "WoW is crap" is not), or if all the synonyms you can think of are censored then maybe this is a conversation best had outside the game chat."
        Es esmu "dorns" 

    • Hoyyx

      Es ar vienreiz pateicu to vārdu, man ar uzlika mute sad_mini.gif

  • zingikis

    Kadas memmes sodien redzejat?

  • zingikis

    Ta jutinja kad neesi ilgi skrejis un aplis aiznema +3 minutes, bet Nike Plus pasaka "Congratulations, this is the longest you've ever ran"

    • zingikis

      Eu 4alji ta ir meme un patiesiba nelieka minusus ta4

    • Reljefs

      Labs biggrin_mini2.gif

  • zingikis

  • zingikis

    Aizbrauc uz gym
    Piesien riteni
    Pabeidz treninu
    Saproti ka atstaji ritenim atslegas majas
    Ej ar kajam 3km atpakal
    Posto sudu exa

    • LVG

      Pff,kas tev skalinkajas?

    • krabz

      Cik pokemoni tev ir?

      • zingikis

        Nezinu,uninstalled jo negribu kupru

    • zingikis

      Uzvareju £1.60 no vending machine AMA

      • PainFoinmr

        Kāpēc vista pārgāja pāri ceļam?

        • Earthquake

          Lai tiktu uz autista māju

      • breikeris

        Cik uzvareji?

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