Hey, vai nevarat man pateikt dziesmas nosaukumu?
Dziesmu izpildīji kāds resns vīrietis, varbūt filipīnietis, uz to pusi.
Nepateikšu kura vieta tā īsti bija(kur viņš dziesmu izpildīja), bet liekas,ka tās bija havaju salas(tāda tipa apkaime) un cik atceros viņš sēdēja krēslā.
Viņš nomira ar kautko, kas saistīts ar aptaukošanos un dziesma kļuva ļoti populāra,slavena.
Ralfs154 miniblogs
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Ralfs154 21.05.2012. 21:01
- -1
Ralfs154 04.05.2012. 11:54
Satriecošas ziņas! Neesmu iztulkojis.
Exciting news has just come in - Bethesda have confirmed The Elder Scrolls Online. Following the explosive entry in November, with Skyrim, which attained the accolade of "fastest selling Steam title" to date, and the rich heritage of the the Elder Scrolls universe, collectively make this a very logical setting for an MMO.
It has also been confirmed that the Elder Scrolls MMORPG will be available in English, German and French. Lets take a look at the press release for some more info on this...
The Elder Scrolls Online is being developed for PC and Mac under the leadership of industry veteran Matt Firor, who has spent the last two decades working in online game development. Details about the game are revealed in an exclusive cover story in Game Informer®’s June issue, which ships to subscribers and newsstands this month.
“We have been working hard to create an online world in which players will be able to experience the epic Elder Scrolls universe with their friends, something fans have long said they wanted,” said Matt Firor, game director of The Elder Scrolls Online. “It will be extremely rewarding finally to unveil what we have been developing the last several years. The entire team is committed to creating the best MMO ever made – and one that is worthy of The Elder Scrolls franchise.” - 0
Creepa 01.05.2012. 22:01
Katrs varbūt ir sakarīgs, bet daudzi to visu norok ar savu debīlismu, ņem piemēru to pašu darku.
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Ralfs154 25.04.2012. 15:07
Md ķīmijā! Vai esmu izpildījis pareizi?
Dota vielu savstarpēja saikne
1. 2. 3.
1. Na(2)+O->Na(2)O
Itkā nav grūts uzdevums, bet gribu pārliecināties, ka esmu izpildījis pareizi. Posto, lai palīdzētu, ne spamotu! - -3
Ralfs154 24.04.2012. 16:04
Huh tiko paplašināju atmiņu no 4gb uz 8gb, liela jēga jau nebija, bet labāk ielikšu vēl 4 nekā gb! Kompis strādā vēl ātrāk.
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Ralfs154 24.04.2012. 17:26
Heidy-Un kā vel ietekmē, vecajam ramam bija 1060(400mhz)(īsti neatceros) cipars un jaunajam ir 1333(650),(veco iemainīju pret citu un piepirku vēl 4gb klāt)
Nauda bija jāiztērē, jo tā ilgi manā makā nestāv, labāk nopērku kko sakarīgu neka notērēju sūdos!
lvmazaafakaa - 10gb ddr1 atmiņas nevar ielikt!
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NOWimNPC 24.04.2012. 17:29
Hah, man jau ar 32 gb rama pietiek.
Ja kādam vajag ņemiet https://www.downloadmoreram.com/