"The main disadvantage of 64-bit architectures is that, relative to 32-bit architectures, the same data occupies more space in memory (due to longer pointers and possibly other types, and alignment padding). This increases the memory requirements of a given process and can have implications for efficient processor cache utilization. Maintaining a partial 32-bit model is one way to handle this, and is in general reasonably effective. For example, the z/OS operating system takes this approach, requiring program code to reside in 31-bit address spaces (the high order bit is not used in address calculation on the underlying hardware platform) while data objects can optionally reside in 64-bit regions."
+2#1 21.03.2012. 15:24
Visi neliek!
0#2 21.03.2012. 15:25
es varbūt neko nesaprotu, bet nafig tev 64bitu OS?
0#3 21.03.2012. 18:54
5 baļļu sistēmā
0#4 21.03.2012. 20:22
#2,#4, kas tur tik traks?
0#5 21.03.2012. 23:14
Rij vairāk resursus, pilnībā varētu iztikt ar x86
0#6 22.03.2012. 01:41
Ieliec x64 4GB Ram un uz x32 vairs neskatīsies
0#7 22.03.2012. 01:49
"The main disadvantage of 64-bit architectures is that, relative to 32-bit architectures, the same data occupies more space in memory (due to longer pointers and possibly other types, and alignment padding). This increases the memory requirements of a given process and can have implications for efficient processor cache utilization. Maintaining a partial 32-bit model is one way to handle this, and is in general reasonably effective. For example, the z/OS operating system takes this approach, requiring program code to reside in 31-bit address spaces (the high order bit is not used in address calculation on the underlying hardware platform) while data objects can optionally reside in 64-bit regions."