I just got done playing one of the SCARIEST video games ever. Now, hear me out before saying, "Oh, he's probably just a fag that gets scared of everything." I don't get scared of video games or movies. I've played many survival horror games and have seen many horror movies in my day. The only thing that made me just a tiny bit scared were some parts of Penumbra and Condemned. Everything else was just boring. This game was different. VERY different.
You aren't given any sort of backstory to the game at all. As soon as you press play, it throws you right into the game. However, I was able to piece together what the story basically is through finally beating this little brick shitter. Apparently, you're a madman. We're never given the name, but you can guess what it is if you pay attention to the title screen. For some reason, you escaped from whatever mental hospital room you were hiding in. Now, the very horrid state of your mind has transformed the halls of the hospital into nothing but a pitch black maze with the only light being the walls, which glow a deathly blue.
Your character is apparently some type of mad cannibal that you can barely control. You can force him to turn corners in the creepy hallway, but not much else can be done. Your character seems to grab anything and try to eat it; whatever is in front of him is thrown into his mouth and he munches it down.
While playing the game, you're being chased by four hideous and fucking scary ghost monsters. You cannot hurt them at all, and to come even close to one is instant death, in which the ghost latches onto you and rips you inside all, all while you hear the horrible noise of your body being torn.
You can, however, eat some odd objects hidden in the maze, after which your character goes into an even more unstable state. You can literally EAT the ghost monsters. Your character runs right up to them and devours them, only leaving their eyes.
There aren't any words to describe how horrific and terrifying this game is, and I don't want to spoil the surprises for you. Just go ahead and try it for yourself. Google the word Pac-Man. You'll find it on the first search.
The scariest game ever
Lasītāju vērtējums:
(0 balsis)
-1 #128.06.2011. 17:23
Es nezinu kā ar pekmenu, bet spēlējot Dead Space 2 es raustījos
Static @ 28.06.2011. 17:24 atbildēja:
Tu ātri lasi o_0
alberts00 @ 28.06.2011. 19:38 atbildēja:
Tad jums Amnesia labāk vispār tuvumā nerādīties
Shattred @ 28.06.2011. 19:44 atbildēja:
Knapi 1min pēc iepostošanas
Wanted @ 28.06.2011. 19:57 atbildēja:
Nē, albert, Amnesia ir savādāka.
S J @ 29.06.2011. 21:03 atbildēja:
@vergil - same here.
0 #228.06.2011. 17:24
Made my day.
Tiešām sāku skaļi smieties.
+2 #328.06.2011. 17:44
Damn Pac-Man, you scary.
0 #428.06.2011. 18:41
Zinu, ka kādreiz populāra bija Clive Barker's Undying (Nedaudz scary)
Anderhils @ 01.07.2011. 00:46 atbildēja:
Pirms gadiem 7iem to ar draugu spēlējām. Laba spēle.
0 #528.06.2011. 18:55
Ja tādu spēli pavērš šādā veidā - tiešām nedaudz baisi.
+1 #628.06.2011. 21:04
Bet interesanti gan - kura ir pati baismīgākā spēle? No saviem interneta piedzīvojumiem pa /x/ un /v/, esmu dzirdējis, ka tās ko jūs nosaucāt ir pēdējie krāmi, jo tās bailīgākās jau ir tās nepopulārākās. Pats gan nosaukumus neatceros, bet atceros tādu - Fatal Frame. Kāds ir spēlējis?
0 #728.06.2011. 23:28
Nja, mazlietiņ jau ir
+1 #801.07.2011. 00:48
Reāli mūsdienās bailīgu spēļu nav...Dead Space 2 un Amnesia nekas nav. Labākās horror spēles bija laikā no 1995-2004. Kopš tā nekas labs nav bijis.