Confused miniblogs

  • Confused

    Kuri ir jūsu mīļākie citāti?

    • Emesy

      ''Politiķiem un bērnu autiņbiksitēm ir kas kopīgs. Abus ir jāmaina regulāri un tā paša iemesla dēļ.'' Kā nekā vēlešanas.

    • pj sk1ll

      Padod kāsi /Rainis/

    • Subs

      Tava mamma ir humblebundlā. Par brīvu.

      • Worst

        Nav tāds specifisks, ļoti liela izvēle. Pirmais, kas iešaujas prātā:
        "Nu ko Tu gribi?" /Mad/

      • Earthquake

        Man pie dirsas

        • breikeris

          Man kautkā pie dirsas*

          • Earthquake

            Man pie dirsas

          • breikeris

            Man kautkā pie dirsas, scurb

          • Earthquake

            Bet man pie dirsas.
            SCURB biggrin_mini2.gif

      • Athe

        Tu, es, neviens nesit tik stipri kā dzīve


        nav nozīmes cik spēcīgs tu esi, nozīme ir tikai cik daudz tu vari uzņemt un turpināt

        abi no Rokija, cenšos dzīvot pēc kaut kā līdzīga. smile_mini.gif

      • Confused

        Man pašam šis baigi piedur.

        I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. /Bruce Lee

      • Cordell
        Eat Shit!

        /Ross Hornby/

      • The Loner

        Contrary to belief, the 20th century wasn't that bloody. It's agreed that wars caused 100 million deaths. Add 10 million for the Russian gulags. The Chinese camps, we'll never know, but say 20 million. So 130, 145 million dead. Not all that impressive. In the 16th century, the Spanish and Portuguese managed, without gas chambers or bombs, to slaughter 150 million Indians in Latin America. With axes! That's a lot of work, sister. Even if they had church support, it was an achievement. So much so tha the Dutch, English, French, and later Americans followed their lead and butchered another 50 million. 200 million dead in all! The greatest massacre in history took place right here. And not the tiniest holocaust museum. The history of mankind is a history of horrors.

      • kamaziK

        Daļa no Tecumseh citāta. Visu nelikšu, bet saīsinātos versiju-

        Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about his religion. Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life. Beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.


      • Bulldawzer

        I'll fuck you till you love me, faggot

      • TheBallowner

        "If in doubt,flat out." - Colin McRae

      • omlete112

        Holding guns while reading bibles/ Serj Tankian

      • MMD:LV


      • Shattred

        Emma Watson on UN speech 2014: "If not me - who? If not now - when?"
        “I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.” ― Stephenie Meyer, Twilight
        "A man who wants to lead an orchestra must turn his back to the crowd." -Max Lucado
        Be a voice not an echo. - Albert Enstein
        "Work is against human nature. The proof is that it makes us tired." - Michel Tournier
        "Art makes you happy because it is not work."@tedtalk young_ha_kim_be_an_artist_right_now
        "If you find yourself lost in the woods, fuck it, build a house. "Well, I was lost but now I live here! I have severely improved my predicament!"" - Mitch Hedberg
        TS Madison - "It's not what you are called, it's what you respond to"
        RuPaul - People talking, | Since the beginning of time.
        | Unless they paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind.

      • R3flex

        ''All the days that you wake up, you got one job, and that's to get better every single day'' - Derrick Rose

      • Jayden James

        “Don’t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright.”
        “When one door is closed, don’t you know that many more are open.”
        /Bob Marley/

      • winw

        You gon act like a bitch
        you gon die like a bitch

      • Mahjarrat

        Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

        - Harija Potera filma

      • pumasiK

        ''Pieklājība ir tikai puse no veiksmes'' Unknown

      • The 37

        Dzīve ir netaisnīga mau**.

      • mazuliss

        If u fell of the chair, never back down.

      • krabz

        "You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take" /Veins Greckis

        • Apple pie

          English motherfucker, do you speak it?.
          /Darth Vader, Star Wars/

          • kamaziK

            Emm.. Neesmu skatijies Star Wars, bet vaitad tur tā bija? Es zinu, ka Pulp Fiction tā teica..

          • Shattred

            The power, you has it within yer body.
            /Gravity, Sarah Jessica Parker/

          • The Loner

            Tas ir teikums no Do the Right Thing.

        • RID

          "I like critism. It makes you strong" - LeBron James
          "Even though you're fed up. You gotta keep your head up." Tupac Amaru Shakur

        • n1kon

          Seek respect not attention
          Respect last longer

        • rebel scum

          Kas nepārtraukti novēro vēju, tas netiek pie sēšanas, un, kas vienmēr raugās uz padebešiem, tas netiek pie ražas ievākšanas. /Salamans/

        • The Loner

          Kad braucu mājās no neveiksmīgas copes, pie sevis dažreiz noskaitu: diena jau bij' jauka, tikai līdaka bij'...neķērās.

        • Krāniņš

          Tev būs dels vai aborts? /filma "diktators"

        • MGΡ 🏀

          One Shot One Kill no luck just skill

        • Mārtiņš

          Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose.