Ducky miniblogs

  • Ducky

    Gta 5 bus uz xbox360 vai jaunaa? un uz pc jau nebus cik saprotu

    • Worst

      Uz PC kā parasti - pēc kāda pusgada.

      • Ducky

        Phew, es jau biju sagatavojies pirkt konsoli biggrin_mini2.gif biggrin_mini2.gif :

      • saraliman

        Nav nekas apstiprinats par PC portu joprojam

        • Worst

          Tā notiek ar visām GTA spēlēm. Itkā nav, bet pēc kāda laiciņa arī iznāk.

        • saraliman

          Bus, bet vai shogad.


          Nvidia said that it had no knowledge of a GTA5 PC port:

          “This statement was made with the intent of expressing enthusiasm for the games industry in general, and was not intended to represent specific knowledge possessed by NVIDIA. NVIDIA does not have information on any possible PC version release of Grand Theft Auto or its availability. We deeply regret the error.”

          Read more: #ixzz2cEFyRvFO"> 
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        • Worst

          Pusgada rakstīju. Parēķini lūdzu, vai ja rēķina pusgadu, vai tas šogad iekritīs.

        • PainFoinmr

          > we are hiring specialists to port our games to PC
          > nvidia is designing graphic card for GTA V
          > nav nekas apstiprināts.

    • Horohoro


    • Ivans

      Gan jau būs uz PC, ja arī nebūs, tas nekas.