ITT: Iekopē sava clipboard saturu. No excuses.
PainFoinmr 19.06.2013. 21:42 #
Kāpēc tev ir nokopēta atstarpe?
PainFoinmr 19.06.2013. 22:22 #
Man nav nokopēta, man nekas nebija nokopēts un iepostoju ''tukšu'' postu.
Now online: Have a question or comment? Chat with us, we're here to help!
Hi. I would like know if you ship your product to country called Latvia (eastern Europe, if i am correct). If so, then what would be the cost for shipping.
Customer Service
We apologize for keeping you waiting. Mr. Byron and Ms.Smith are both busy at the moment with another customer. We'll be with you shortly!
You are currently being served by
That is okay, I am not in a hurry
Hi Janis,
Let me check on that, just a minute
Yes we do ship to Latvia.
All shipping charges are calculated in real-time based on the weight of your order and your location. You will need to proceed through check out to calculate accurate shipping rates and delivery times. You will be given a cost before you are asked for any payment.
Big thanks Have a nice day!
gandrīz izlaidu vienu sirdspukstu, jo zinu, ka nesen kopēju kaut ko visai.. interesantu.. Labi, ka iekopējās kas cits.
Ielogojies vai izveido profilu, lai komentētu!