Palīdzat izdomāt par ko taisīt prezentāciju, lūdzu. Vajag kādu firmu kurai ir vairākas koncepcijas.
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★RTU☆ 16.09.2012. 14:02 teica:
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9000 09.09.2012. 21:18 teica:
Šāda eseja anglju valodā būtu pieņemama? ( šis ir melnraksts)
My father is an good man. He works as manager. He is known as a nice, polite and intelligent man. Our family runs good under his advice and instructions.
My father is affectionate and dutiful. He brings for my sister beautiful toys, games, picture books, clothes, shoes and stationery. On holidays, sometimes he takes the family for a picnic . At holydays he often take us to picnic or to forest to get some fresh air.
He's tall with black hair with strong will. He's wearing only shirts and jeans.
He's very interested of fishing. Every year he is going to sweden to catch pikes.
He have a sponsors who sponsored him boat and tour to sweden. My dad is in fishing team which are going to the competitions.
We all dine together. to enhance our general knowledge he sometimes are talking about country, news in world and many other things. Hes great dad,i am proud of him.- 0
Funky 09.09.2012. 21:29
Par īsu manuprāt un izmanto saistvārdus kā piemēram : However u.c Par daudz atkārtojas vārds: He and my ,mana angļu valodas učene man pa ausīm ieliktu par tādu eseju
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Tvinky 06.06.2012. 11:55 teica:
Troļļus negaidam un rakstam šeit tiešām lietas ko nesaprotam!
Negaidām un rakstām* - 0
Zaker172 23.05.2012. 22:50 teica:
Kā noformulēt priekš gūgles-grauzēju dzīvesvietas. Domāts vispārīgi=kāmji ligzdās, pīles alās etc.