Bot Client The recent "Bot Nuke" RuneScape update has been analyzed and it has been determined that there is no reason why we will not be back online within the next two weeks. This is a conservative ETA and we hope to be back online sooner. We will return. We will provide more accurate updates throughout the coming week as we progress on our work. Threatening Emails On Tuesday, October 25th, Jagex contacted many of our customers via email stating that they had "strong evidence that you may have purchased and used botting software in the past, specifically ibot software". The email later goes on to threaten that if you do not stop botting you may be named in a lawsuit based on DMCA violations which is pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. Since then, there have been many rumors spreading throughout the community as to how Jagex got a hold of, and planned to use this information. Earlier this year, Jagex's lawyers subpoenaed PayPal for information regarding purchase information of bot customers. Knowing how sensitive this information is, and how much we care about our customers, our lawyers immediately responded to this subpoena to question their intentions. Their lawyers specifically made it clear that this information would not be shown to any Jagex employees. To ensure this, we filed a protective order on the information with the courts to make it illegal for their lawyers to show any of the information to Jagex employees. Later this summer, Jagex illegally circumvented the protective order. To dupe the courts, Jagex filed a separate suit in the California Federal Court (Jagex Limited vs. John Does). The courts in the State of California did not know about the protective order, and granted Jagex's lawyers access to the PayPal information again with another subpoena for that case. Of course, this time, there was no protective order. This is a mockery of the U.S. legal system. We were not made aware of these actions by Jagex until we learned of the emails going out this past Tuesday. Since then, our lawyers have been preparing an emergency motion to submit to the courts explaining what Jagex has done, and the demands we have regarding their actions. This filing was submitted to the courts and made public today. The filing can be publicly read from a PDF document here. If this interests you, we encourage you to read and then re-read this filing for a full perspective on the situation (case filing starts on page 5). A notable summary of the demands made in the filing are as follows: Ordering Jagex to dismiss the case in the State of California (Jagex vs. John Does). Ordering Jagex to immediately destroy any and all information obtained from the PayPal subpoena. Ordering Jagex to take no action against any of the customers or RuneScape accounts of the customers that they received from the subpoena. Ordering Jagex to resend an email to all affected customers retracting the statements made in the email sent out earlier this Tuesday and to publicly post an apology on their main websites stating the same. All demands can be found within the filing on pages 26-27. It is also noteworthy that this filing is a motion to file an extended motion, so it will not contain all exhibit information. The full motion, including all exhibits, should be available Monday. We will follow up with a link to that filing when it becomes publicly available as well. Being an emergency motion, a decision of these demands by the Judge should be made within the following week. The maximum decision time is two weeks. In conclusion, nothing is more important to us than our customers. We have and always will fight to protect our customers in every way possible. We are extremely apologetic for any ill-concerns this mess may have caused you. We hope by publicly keeping you informed on the situation, you all will understand this very important fact.
Assholes still trying
Lasītāju vērtējums:
(1 balsis)
0 #130.10.2011. 08:31
Īsāk sakot, ja tu botosi tad viņi sūdzēs tevi tiesā.
+4 #230.10.2011. 08:50
Viesty prbly pirmais cilveks kursh rly izlasijis
+2 #330.10.2011. 08:55
Agreed, bet vinju suda community pelna ~400k usd menesi uz preniums un sudigi bus tikt valja.
Kaut ppl atmostos un NEPIRKTU botus lai vinji izput nahuj ara.
Shattred @ 30.10.2011. 09:18 atbildēja:
nav pirmā reize, kad kaut, kas šāds notiek..
look 2 parakstu vākšanu par otro valsts valodu.. :roflmao:
+3 #430.10.2011. 10:27
HAHAH, kad vinjs piemineja our lawyers, man sagribejas smieties, uz ko tik tie botu devi neiet lai tikai cilveki vinjiem ticetu, ne suda lawyers vinjiem nav, un ne sudu jagex nav izdarijushi nelikumigi, akdievs tas ir tapat ka salizinat POLICIJU ar KRIMINALJIEM, un teikt ka policija ir veikusi kautko nelikumigu un tagad kriminalji sutis savus advokatus jo vinju tiesibas ir bijushas aizskartas, Jagex ir firma, Un tas botu kompanijas strada tieshi pret jagex pat taka rival, Kadas vinjiem varbut tiesibas, smiekligi paliek. Cilveki iesledzat smadzeni, ne kadu tiesibu tiem powerbot, rsbuddy nav, Ja jau jagex ir panacis ka botu lapas aizsled ciet(rsbot) Tad jau tas parada kam Tiesaa bus prieksroka. Viss ko botu devi grib paturet ir cilveku uzticiba, shaja bridi kad boti ir down.
Kambyz @ 30.10.2011. 10:48 atbildēja:
tu izlasīji to rakstu? vai vnk tagad dirs ne pa tēmu?
viņi neņemās tāpēc, ka boti ir down or smth, bet gan tāpēc, ka Jagex, iespējams pretlikumīgi ir izmantojis paypal imformāciju, kurai būtu jābūt nepieejamajai.
vampyre124 @ 30.10.2011. 10:52 atbildēja:
Un tu izlasiji visu manu postu vai tikai pedejo rindinju, jo tikai taja es piemineju to ka boti ir down, ja izlasitu visu saprastu kontekstu, bet tu neizlasiji.
-3 #530.10.2011. 10:41
Īsti nesapratu... Jagex ir tas kurma ir jāizsaka atvainošanās?
vampyre124 @ 30.10.2011. 10:43 atbildēja:
Vismaz ka to ir iedomajushies botu devi, nekas vairak.
-2 #630.10.2011. 10:53
ja nepārtrauksi botot tevi iesūdzīes teisā, bet cik sparati tas likums ir pieņemts kalifornijām un tagad advokāti tur ņemās utml leitas nu jā jagex riktīgs nelegālais tārps
+1 #730.10.2011. 11:19
Iepazisties ar Terms & Conditions pirms murgo uznjemum tu...kartejais neaptestais boteris
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 11:41 atbildēja:
Our rights
If, acting reasonably, we consider that our Terms and Conditions have or may have been breached, or that there has been fraudulent, unlawful or abusive activity, or that it is necessary in order to prevent or stop any harm or damage to us, to any Jagex Product, to other players or the general public, we may Stop (as defined above) any or all accounts of Jagex Products which we think are connected with the offender subject to such right of appeal as is specified on our website and/or restrict access to or delete virtual currency or anything acquired by means of virtual currency. Such actions may result in loss of membership credit and/or loss of real money paid as part of any item / account trading or other prohibited transaction.
To prevent or remedy breach of our Terms and Conditions or any harm or damage to us, to any Jagex Product or to other players or the general public, we may automatically or manually monitor, censor (including rejection or removal of any content) and/or record public or private chat or other activities in any Jagex Product.
Intellectual property rights
Jagex®, RuneScape® and FunOrb® are registered trade marks of Jagex Limited in the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries.
You must not reverse-engineer, decompile or modify any Jagex Product client software in any way (except to the extent allowed by applicable law). You must not use a modified/customised version of the client software or attempt to sub-license it. You must not create or provide any other means by which any Jagex Product may be played by others (including, without limitation, replacement or modified client/server software, server emulators).
Materials (including without limit all information, software, data, text, photographs, graphics, sound and video) placed on any Jagex Product by us or on our behalf are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights of ourselves or our business partners / suppliers / advertisers. You may not use these materials or any Jagex Product except in accordance with these terms and conditions and for personal (i.e. non-commercial) use only.
You agree that all intellectual property or other rights in any game character, account and items are and will remain our property.
By posting chat or other materials on any Jagex Product, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty free, worldwide license to use and/or modify such materials on any Jagex Product as we see fit.
You agree that by submitting any material of any kind to us for any purpose connected with any Jagex Product (non-exhaustive examples are suggestions and ideas for any game or contributions to any Gallery page), you are giving us a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free license to use and/or modify the submitted materials as we see fit. You agree to waive any moral rights to the extent permitted by law and that you will not withdraw the submission or attempt to make a charge for its use. Furthermore you guarantee that you are the exclusive copyright holder in relation to the submission and that the submission in no way breaches the rights of any other person or entity.
+1 #830.10.2011. 11:20
PayPal info tika dabuta ar tiesas lemumu ka lietishkjais pieradijums, zel ka visi boteri un kompanijas ir tik neaptestas
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 11:21 atbildēja:
Es saprotu ka US smerdelji ir tizli un ne suda no likumdoshanas nesajedz, bet izradas visi boteri ir kkada smadzenju daiva pisti
vampyre124 @ 30.10.2011. 11:49 atbildēja:
Inveritas ludzu pastasti ka tu tik izsmeloshi zini ka un kur jagex rikojas, es shaubos ka mainpage vinji to pazinoja
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 11:50 atbildēja:
Tieshi ta shi ir cita tiesas prava un tiek izmantots viss pieejamais lai tikru lieta novesta lidz galam, vnk bot developer ir panika un male jums "jaukajiem" klientiem acis kurus vajadzetu tiesat vienu pec otra par botoshanu.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 11:58 atbildēja:
Vari sakt bljaut "tiesat? par ko? kjipa es kko nodariju!" - ofc nodariji, visa botu community parkapa law.
Tas ir ka but kada barinja kura kads piem kadu nosit, tu busi lidzdalibnieks un sanjemsi ari sodu.
Moz shadi sapratisi uz ko tiek temets. Nokavat speli kopa tad kopa ari varesiet strebt savu putru.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 12:21 atbildēja:
Redz tu esi ienjemis galva ka botot labi un piekast parejos kuriem maita speli. Runa nav par sledziena veidu manam salidzinajumam bet par to pec ka VISAM ir savas sekas.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 12:33 atbildēja:
Ta butu uzreiz teicis un pataupijis manu laiku.
0 #930.10.2011. 12:15
Kads sakars ar autortiesibam, doma ko raksti...
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 12:25 atbildēja:
Kads tolks ar vinju strideties, bots ir un paliek bots.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 12:47 atbildēja:
Boti ir paraziti ka jau cilveks apgalvoja un no vinjim tiks valja pilniba. Multi-milijonu kompanija nepiekapties kaitekljiem.
Nav shoreiz botiem izredzu.
0 #1030.10.2011. 12:58
Vienkarshi sakot- botu devi izmantos jagex pielautas kluudas un viss.
Nebutu jagex pielavis paris kludas, botteriem nebutu nekadu iespeju.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:01 atbildēja:
Nav vinjiem nekadu iespeju ari tagad. Viss kas vinjiem ir ta ir panikas lekme
0 #1130.10.2011. 13:03
Saraliman- jagex ir panikas leekme, izsutot tas debilaas veestules, kad tiesaasies ar botteriem. Ja vini butu 100%parliecinati, ka pec taa ahuenaa ''nuke day'' boti vairs nebuutu, kaa soliija, tad nebutu izsutijusi tas debiilaas veestules.
Jebkura spelee pastaav boti. Ar to ir jasamierinas. Es neesmu botu puse, jo man pasham zb jau tie goldfarming saiti utt, bet nu...
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:07 atbildēja:
muljkjibas boti ir tikai tur kur vinjiem ljauj izplesties.
Un ja tu citigak sekotu lidzi notikumiem nevis grabstitu kaut ko no augshas labi saprastu ka Jagex nav tie kuriem butu nepiecieshamiba pec baldrijanjiem.
0 #1230.10.2011. 13:10
Es negrabstos neko no augshas, tiri logiska domashana, ja jagex sola ka pec bot nuke day nebutu botu, tad nafig izsutit vestules par to, ka atkartota botoshana novedis lidz tiesas praavai.
Es saprotu ka Jagex ir visas tiesibas, ta ir vinju spele. Bet kamdelj tik debilus gajienus?
Ka ari Jacmob ir teicis, ka jagex 2h laika varot ieviest mehanismus, kas botoshanu padariitu neiespeejamu. Why they dont do it?
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:12 atbildēja:
Kas tur debils? Tu parkap likumu vienreiz un tiec piekjerts - tu tiec sveika cauri ar bridinajumu-atkartosi tiks pienjemti meri.
0 #1330.10.2011. 13:15
Saraliman, man liekas ka paypals nemaz nedrikst taa dot info, ka to izdarija.
Jagex nebano lielu dalju botterus tiiri delj money, ka jau berete teica, vinji jau redz to, ka loti liela dalja ir botteru. Bet nebano, tiiri ienakumi no p2p. Labi, tagad ''nelielu dalju'', patiesham nelielu pabridinaja.
0 #1430.10.2011. 13:17
Ja jagex vairak saktu domat par speli kaa tadu, nevis pelnju, varbut daudz kas butu savadak. Varbut arī ne, bet nu tas ir jaatziist- ka viniem prataa ir tikai pelnja. Ka neka augosha kompaanija.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:20 atbildēja:
Vinji doma par speli nepartraukti savadak neredzetu nekadas updates, vnk "Bot-nuke" tika izstradata un planota labu laiku lai efektivi apstadinatu botus ka tas atm redzams un labi jutams.
0 #1530.10.2011. 13:19
Lai izvirsa prasibu pret Paypal nevis kulj tukshus salmus un uzbazzas ar savu publiska atvainoshanas lugumu pret botiem.
Izklausas ka vnk sapnjo ka mazi berni - cer ka Jagex sha ieraus asti starp kajam un vares visi laimigi dirst konfektes un mizst varaviksnes botojot - pelnot uz Jagex rekjina.
0 #1630.10.2011. 13:21
Vinji tikai pasaka, ko war darit, gluzi ka jagex, ja izdarisi to velreiz, bus tiesa. Jagex jau uzreiz arī netiesajas. sakuma izsuta draudu vestules.
Nu pelna boti uz jagex reekina. Bet pasaki pats- vai nav taa, ka jagex parak daudz doma par pelnju, neka par speeli kaa taadu?
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:23 atbildēja:
Ja nedomatu par pelnju nebutu nepiecieshamiba no 200 serveriem un katra update maksa naudu
0 #1730.10.2011. 13:22
Gluzhi kaa pec graphics update, boti bija down uz kaadu laiku. Tikai uz kaadu laiku.
Protams ka updates kaut kadi ir, tauta jasaglaba, jo no tautas nak pelnja.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:24 atbildēja:
I win end of story
0 #1830.10.2011. 13:24
Protams ka botu devi atlaujas par daudz, dazreiz ir tada sajuta, ka puse no RS piederetu vinjiem, ka vinji striideesies ar jagex par to, kas 100% pieder jagexam.
0 #1930.10.2011. 13:28
Toch lkm neesi bijis RuneScape
Ja jagex panemtu un kartigi saktu tiesaties ar botu deviem, tad boti lenam izzustu. Bet cik es sezhu RSB foruma, tur botu deva chillinja dziivo.
0 #2030.10.2011. 13:30
Saraliman, goldfarmeri=bots jaa, bet nu es wairak piekritishu nexus, tadus botterus ka mes te no exa tu nemaz neredzetu un nejustu. Bet pedeja laika bija pat tik traki, ka goldfarmeri ne trauce tikai playeriem, bet arī boteriem.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:31 atbildēja:
nu nu nejustu, kur ir mazie boteri tur bus ari lieli, jaiznicina visi bez iznjemuma
0 #2130.10.2011. 13:32
Kaut kaa pirms free trade par botteriem baigi nesudzejas.. Tie, kas tiri prieks sava acc kko uzboto, ne delj IRL pelnjas, tos tu patiesam ''nejuuti'' salidzinajuma ar goldfarmeriem.
0 #2230.10.2011. 13:35
Saraliman- tu jau pats arī vispar parkap RS noteikumus..
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:37 atbildēja:
Ja parkapju, bet vismaz nemaitaju ne1 dzivi.
Cilveki kuri tiek iztiriti sen pametushi rs/moz mirushi hz-uz neatgrieshanos. Es tik piepildu kabatas uz vinju pagatnes rekjina
0 #2330.10.2011. 13:38
Nee, tu piepildi kabatas uz RS rekina, gluzi ka boti to dara.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:39 atbildēja:
Bet es nejaucu kopeju sistemu ara.
0 #2430.10.2011. 13:41
Tu jau gameplay. Rs ir domats ta, ka cilveks pats sev sapelna cash un attiista acc, nevis noperk. Kaut ko jau tu jauc sava zinja. Un ja nu tomer kads no tiem players atsak RS.
Un fakts ka tads, gluzhi ka boti, pelni uz RS rekina, par ko tu te tikko ragoji, ko tie boti atlaujas pelnit uz RuneScape reekina.. Same thing with you.
Man nekas nav preti, protams, ej recovero un pardod to cash, viss ir zbis, kartigs IRL profits.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:42 atbildēja:
Patiesiba runa shiet iet par boteru izvirzitajam prasibam un draudiem
0 #2530.10.2011. 13:43
Nu ok, bet sarunas laika teema nedaudz mainijas. Nenovirzies uzreiz. Patiesiiba ne?
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:49 atbildēja:
Still es neveidoju community kura pardotu savu pamacibu ka recoverot accounts gustot uz to milzigus ienakumus. taka tavs arguments par mani nevieta. Katrs speletajs ir pardevis/pircis rsgp kam ir tada iespeja vai parkapis jebkadu noteikumu kada cita veida.
0 #2630.10.2011. 13:51
Kads sakars tagad ar komunas veidoshanu? Tu pats piedalies komuuna, lai atrastu pirceejus.
Fakts paliek fakts, ka tu pelni uz RS reekjina.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 13:56 atbildēja:
Tu mani parprati.
0 #2730.10.2011. 13:52
Un liels ++inveritas. Pasi mees to tirgu uzturam. °
0 #2830.10.2011. 13:55
Tur es tev piekritu visam MMO kura ir iesaistita in-game vertibu sistema ir gribetaji kas pirks un pardos par isto naudu. Bet runa iet par milzigu speles pishanu ka boti. Piem es tagad kadam pardevu 1b RSGP-ko tev tas nodarija? Tu pat par to nenojaustu.
A vot kad katrs pixeljotas spots ir aiznjemts ar botiem un katra pasaule ir pilns ar autotalkers kuri reklame gold farmers saitus kuros pardod speles naudu gan smagi draga visu simpatisko pusi spelei.
0 #2930.10.2011. 14:00
Boti jau rodas delj ta tirgus, ar botu ir viegli to 1b nopelniit un pardot, jo goldfarming saiti jau laizh tuukstosiem botu.
Nebutu RSGP tirgus, ja patiesham butu kaa jagex saka, ka RSGP nav nekadas vertibas IRL, tad nebutu goldfarmeru, jo nebutu kas perk RSGP.
Butu boti, bet tie butu tik maz un sadaliiti uz visiem worlds, ka pat vinjus redzet newaretu.
saraliman @ 30.10.2011. 14:01 atbildēja:
Mans pedejais post visu izsaka
0 #3030.10.2011. 14:02
Katram savas domas, savs viedoklis
0 #3130.10.2011. 14:04
Un ar to ari shis topic izskan, bus tikai jauni posti no citiem lietotajiem kuri mals vienu un to pashu uz rinkji kas jau ticis izrunats.
Gaidisim ka risinasies tiesas prava un diskutesim turpmakos notikumus jau kada cita thread tuvakaja nakotne.