Kriminālstāsts no dziļas sirds
Draugs palūdza, lai es viņam angļu valodas mājasdarbam uzrakstu īsu kriminālstāstu. To arī paveicu. 30 minūšu laikā uzrakstīju iespējams sliktāko stāstu literatūras vēsturē. No sirds ceru, ka viņam palīdzēja. It was a dark rainy night. Old sailor John was going home after leaving pub on the coast. John was dirty, ugly and very rude man that used to swear even without reason. This night he drunk a bit too much of rum and could barely go back to his room in dirty streets of Bristol. He was singing "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest--...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" when...